Safekeeper by Jennifer Gurney
When all who have known me have gone, who will keep the memories of me alive? Will my
children's children's children have heard stories about me, although they will never have met
me? Will I be kept alive through their storytelling? Will I live on through my poetry, still read in
the years after I'm gone? Will my paintings live on in the homes of those who were born after I
died? Or will I be the face in the photograph someone asks one day, "Anyone know who this
is?" as everyone present shakes their head. In honor of this phenomenon, I will try to be a better
keeper of the memories of those who have gone before me. To pass on the torch of memories
to those who come after me. I can become the toggle switch of memory. The fulcrum point of
stirring the ashes
the embers of memory ignite
sparking a fire